Some of the unknown facts about Apple’s self-driving technology

Autonomous driving technology has been a prominent and one of most indulged systems worked by almost every tech giant. As the days pass, the technology is evolving itself in a better way. There may be very few of such technology players that aren’t in the race. Some of the players are working independently such as Google, while some decided to go hand in hands with the auto giants. No matter who collaborates with whom, the competition remains firm for achieving the dominance over the autonomous technology for transportation.

Apple has been curiously interested in getting into automotive-based technology since a long duration. Apple’s infotainment system—CarPlay is already on board and has been installed in many cars. And now, Apple has stepped into the race of autonomous technology. No, the company isn’t building its own car, but it is working on self-driving technology that is more reliable and efficient. Apple also got a permit for testing its self-driving technology in California this month. Below are some of the technological facts of Apple’s self-driving program.

Automatic to manual switching control
The system enables the operator to take back the manual control from the automated driving mode. This means, Apple isn’t developing a fully autonomous driving system, similar to Tesla, but will be in favor of human driving. The system will be installed with Logitech pedals and wheels to switch between the modes. If the driver grabs the steering or hits the break, the car will automatically get disengaged from the autonomous mode with the help of drive-by-wire system. In the other condition, if you wish to accelerate, the driver can do it in the self-driving mode.

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Interface and functions works like a video game

The system can be controlled via joystick and driver should readily intervene and take control of the vehicle.

Electronic command system

Apple developed platform is competent of transmitting electronic based inputs to accelerating, steering, and also efficient to perform a dynamic driving task such as avoiding potholes and taking sharp U-turns.
Object monitoring
Apple is also working on a similar platform that is used by other competitors. In this case, the tech giant needs to be very precise in terms of object detection and monitoring to avoid the severe crashes.

It will be interesting to see the magic of the Apple’s self-driving technology after it hits the road.

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