Holster Should You Choose

Which Holster Should You Choose?

You thought long and hard about which handgun you would purchase since this is such a big decision. However, most people pick out their holster as an afterthought. In the end, it doesn’t matter which pistol you decide on if you can’t get to it because you don’t have the right holster. That means you need to pick out the right holster based on your carry style and your firearm.

Holster Should You Choose


The most common concealed carry option is IWB holsters. They hook on belts via a clip or loop and hold your firearm inside your pants. They are perfect for concealment since the majority of your weapon is inside your pants. However, it is not overly comfortable and can get your sweat on your firearm. Blackhawk holsters are an excellent option for this, and they work with most compact semi-autos.


OWB holsters are great for people with compact revolvers and full-sized semi-autos. These will have broad wings to attach to your belt and help reduce printing on your clothing.

Concealed Shoulder

If you sit or drive a lot, waistband holsters get uncomfortable and make it impossible to draw your weapon. In this case, shoulder holsters can be a better option because they are more comfortable. They are also easy to conceal under a jacket and allow you to draw your pistol quickly when you are seated. Many also include magazine pouches, so you don’t have to worry about running out of ammo.

Additionally, they are the only effective method for carrying a full-size revolver without printing. At the same time, shoulder holsters can still conceal compact handguns.

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Open Belt

Belt holsters are the most popular option for open carry. With this method, your weapon is out of the way but still accessible. Additionally, they are secure, so you know exactly where your firearm will be when you need it. Plus, they are very comfortable. Therefore, if you want to open carry, a belt holster that meets retention standards is often the best option.

There is no such thing as a perfect holster. You should pick out the best one for you based on several factors. Therefore, you should know what you want out of a holster before you buy it. This information will help you narrow it down to a specific style. Yes, you’re going to have to put in a little work to find the right one. However, the right option for you will offer plenty of benefits. That will make carrying your pistol much more manageable and enjoyable.