How to Make a Difference in the World

How to Make a Difference in the World

If you look around the globe, you see numerous problems that affect humanity. You may think that the problems are too great for you to make a significant difference, but this is not true. Even small ripples of change can have a big impact globally. Use these three tips to figure out how you can make a difference in the world.

How to Make a Difference in the World

Choose a Mentor

There are many people in the world who have made huge strides in policy changes and acceptance of various humanitarian struggles. While you may think that you will never be as much of a world changer as these people are, it’s important to find someone that inspires you to make a change. Look for someone in your field of interest.

For example, if you are interested in promoting inclusion and diversity in the workplace, look for inspiration from Mary Beth Maxwell. If you are passionate about the environment, look to Gretta Thunberg for inspiration.

Find Your Passion

Fighting for a good cause may seem like a monumental challenge. It’s a good idea to break your activism down into manageable chunks so that you feel like you are accomplishing something. Find your true passion within the cause. If inclusion is your priority, think about holding talks and lectures at local schools to promote acceptance within your community. Teach your own kids that diversity is a good thing and how to respect other needs and cultures. These may seem like small acts that don’t make a huge difference for the overall cause, but they can have a big ripple effect in your world. Small acts make more of a difference than you think they do, and they are much easier for the average person to complete.

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The unfortunate reality is that you may not ever have a large enough platform to feel like you a big difference. If you focus your activism on small, concrete tasks that further the calls, you can feel like you are making the world a better place even if you are only creating a change in your community.

Start Volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to make a big difference in your community. You can do it in your free time so that it does not affect your school or work schedule, and you can help people or animals in need. If you love working with animals, think about volunteering at your local shelter and advocate for adoption over shopping when looking for a new pet. If inclusion is your cause, volunteer as a tutor for kids with special learning needs. There are many ways to volunteer, and many of them are not as obvious as others. If you look hard enough, you can find ways to volunteer for any cause.

You don’t have to have a recognizable name and a huge platform to make a big difference in the world. If you make small changes in your community, your acts can have a big ripple effect on your cause around the globe. Start looking for ways to make a difference in your own city to start a job in activism.