Few Whatsapp Features You Should Know

WhatsApp is one of the most extensively used app globally. It has been going through much advancement and improvements, including making a voice call, adding GIFs, and much more. Here are few features about WhatsApp you should know. Let’s see what they are.

Few Whatsapp Features You Should Know

Two-factor authentication

Previously you just needed to verify your phone number and activate the account by mentioning the verification code received via an SMS. But with the two-factor authentication, even if anyone steals your phone and try to access your WhatsApp account, it will ask a 6-digit passcode for every try of account re-verifications. If you forget the passcode, it can be reset via email.

Reply to specific message in a group

While conversing in a group, we sometimes don’t understand the context. This misunderstanding can be cleared just by holding on the specific message and then select the backward arrow that appears on the top. This enables you to quote the specific message in the conversation.

Listen to voice messages discreetly

Whenever you receive a voice message, selecting the play option opens the voice message on the speaker by default. But everyone doesn’t prefer that others too listen to their messages. To avoid this, you just need to press play and put your phone to ear so that the speakerphone is automatically switched to the earpiece.

Manipulate text for better emphasis

There is syntax through which you can emphasize the text in a chat. Applying asterisk before and after words makes them appear in bold, adding underscore makes the text appear italics, and with two tildes symbols strikes them off.

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Do try these features during your WhatsApp chat. Feel free to share your experience.

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