Tips to Survive on Road with Your Two Wheels, When It’s Raining Out There

Tips to Survive on Road with Your Two Wheels, When It’s Raining Out There

Rainy days are the best days for touring. The green patches shines up with the surface with the diamond looking droplets of water. Pleasant atmosphere invites you to participate into the refreshing transformation of the nature; waterfalls have their own base to perform in the monsoon ceremony. The whole picture seems to look auspicious right? But it is all aside of the roads, however to experience these you need to drive the distance. If you are a hardcore road tripper who loves to openly cuddle the rain on the bike, below are some of the important tips to make your ride safe and smooth.

Tips to Survive on Road with Your Two Wheels, When It’s Raining Out There

Stay smooth on tarmac

The wet surface on the roads won’t directly slip you off. There will be some surprising amount of grip on the road. The only thing you need to do is stay smooth as the amount of the traction is reduced compared to dry conditions. Handle the vehicles so professionally that front tire doesn’t have to resist against the body tension.

Bring your smartness on road

Slowing down is best solution and recommended riding technique in rainy days. The slow speed also gives you enough time to analyze the obstacle and tackle it without any hazards. Rainy day proves the capacity of the ABS and helps to make you realize that it worth spending on the system. Following a vehicle with low distance may invite a big road mishap.

Highlight your existence

Put on some reflectors that suit your vehicle design. It may sound too old but you won’t regret the installation. Check each and every light installed on the bike and avoid low spots on the vehicle where water puddles are formed.

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Last but not least, always wear your safety equipments such as helmet, gloves, riding gears, and guards. Hit the brakes cautiously as the safety features can put you on the surface, and it hurts.

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