Microsoft Introduced Azure-Based Cloud Platform

Microsoft Introduced Azure-Based Cloud Platform

Where the rest of the technology giants are busy in building their autonomous cars and relevant technology, Microsoft has come up with its supporting technology that would play a vital role in the operation of those self-driving cars.

Microsoft Introduced Azure-Based Cloud Platform

Microsoft didn’t believe in creating its own connected car but has developed an exclusive Azure-based cloud platform that can be utilized by the car manufacturers to power the connected cars through the cloud. The company will make the connected vehicle platform open to the public this year.

Microsoft’s Business Development EVP stated that the system isn’t an inbuilt car operating system or a ready product that can be installed in the cars. Instead, it is a live responsive platform that integrates and operates with cloud-based foundation and aims to fulfill the five focused scenarios that include advanced navigation, customer vision, predictive maintenance, improvise in car productivity, and assist to structure self-driving capabilities.

Microsoft also declared about its collaboration with Renault and Nissan alliances to assemble its connected car services in the Renault-Nissan future connected cars.

Hence, there isn’t any surprising element about this partnership as both the companies have been already working together on different projects. Microsoft has also been working with BMW to build up its BMW-connected platform not based on Azure.

So, it seems that the upcoming future cars will be connected and you might probably hear the voice-enabled Cortana to enable the services. But for now, the concept is just under development.

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